Blur The Line

Blur The Line

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I've been super busy working on the new gym, training clients and squeezing some WODs in. The CrossFit Open was excellent. I had a blast doing the 6 WODs at CrossFit New England. I am excited for the future because I know what I need to work on!

How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? Are you sleeping 8+ hours a night? Getting good food, adequate water in? How are your stress levels?

Today is May 1st. Every month let's each pick a couple goals to work on. Post goals to comments and to the Goal Board in the gym. They can be athletic (a specific movement or weight) or life based (get more sleep, limit stress, etc).

Here are some pictures of the progress...

Everything is coming along nicely! Thanks for the support! Come check it out anytime! Move in day will be soon.


  1. My goals....

    1.Improve shoulder flexibility.
    I will work on this daily by mobility wods, ice, lax balls, foam roll, etc.
    2. Improve HSPU strength
    Increase ROM, practice in warm-up,Do more!
    3. Improve Snatch technique/strength
    Snatch push press, OHS, Snatch Balance, practice in warm-up, from the Hang position

  2. My goals:

    Performance: Be more diligent with mobility. Spend at least 10 minutes each day mobilizing.

    Lifestyle: Don't let the stress of the end of the school year interfere with WODs, sleep, food. Keep making these things priority and everything else will go better...

  3. Let us know when the place is ready for some thrashings, homie, I'd love to come visit, catch up, and get a hellish WOD in. Everything looks sicky already, keep killing it.

