Blur The Line

Blur The Line

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Thursday May 8, 2014

A. Hang Snatch
Warm Up with Tall Snatches.
Practice session. Training, not testing!

B. "Going The Distance"
AD 50 Calories
Run 400m
Row 500m
For Time. Go hard, but leave gas in the tank!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wednesday May 7, 2014


A. Turkish Get Up
Practice the movement. Focus on a nice stable shoulder.
Half Roll
Progress to Knee
Go full if able

A1. Walking Lunges Down and Back
A2. Strict Pull Up 5-10 Reps
5 Sets. 1 Minute Rest Between

Tuesday's Training

Hey Monsters,

Until our new website is complete, I will be posting daily training on this old school blog. Enjoy going back in time! 

A1. Push Press 3 Reps
A2. Farmer Carry Down and Back
5 Sets. Rest 2 minutes Between

3 Power Cleans
3 Shoulder to Overhead
10 Lateral Bar Burpees