Blur The Line

Blur The Line

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Review of The Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Lifestyle Seminar

I was so excited to sign Dr. Mike Molloy up for a seminar at The Fort. I knew people would gain knowledge and know-how by attending his presentation. I had seen him speak at Vagabond CrossFit and was very impressed. I read lots of books, do my research and have learned a lot on my own. However, Dr. Molloy taught me many new things; specifically how to train certain types of people and how those people should eat. Also, he did not force his knowledge on anyone. He merely made suggestions and opened the door to us all, because he knows it works.

I have been doing CrossFit for about 2 years and eating Paleo for about 8 months. I met Mike early in my CF career and have been looking up to him as a mentor ever since. He knows his stuff! Everytime a personal issue (tight and grody hips, shoulders, Paleo information, inflammation) has come up, Mike has given me an answer that works!

I made getting him to The Fort a priority. I wanted my people to hear what he had to say. He explained why we are so fat due to the chronic over consumption of carbohydrate and how that destroys our hormones communicating with each other.

Mike went over how fat became the villain over the years and how wrong this is. We need Omega 6 and 3 to flourish; however we need it in the correct ratios.

I giggle everytime I read the title "Damn Dirty Grains (and legumes and dairy)".  The title is funny, but it is very true. Mike went in depth explaining why grains are so detrimental to health because of the pro-inflammatory properties. One of the biggest points Mike made to me and my clients was inflammation. There is just too much inflammation because of grains, lack of sleep and too much stress.

Dr. Molloy did a great job explaining why this lifestyle works, but he did a better job of making it clear how to make it work. He went over establishing what one's goals are, then how to use this lifestyle to reach those goals.  Mike made examples of certain people; the mom who wants to look better naked or the young dude who wants to win the CrossFit games.

My clients who attended the seminar were all extremely impressed. They had their questions answered and learned a lot. I had people come from all over New England for Mike's talk. It was absolutely worth giving up a Sunday to hear him speak and I would do it again in a second!

Members of The Fort, please post your thoughts about Mike's seminar to comments please!


  1. When Kyle suggested Paleo to me, being the person that I am and not beleiving anything I hear, I immediately did my own research and reading on Paleo. From there I decided to test the waters and try it at 80/20. Seeing that I was feeling good I felt it was best to dive on it. I could see and feel my body changing and as it did I would try different things(Foods,Nutrient Timing) and became my own test subject with Kyles guidance. Hearing Mike speak reienforced everything I was reading and learned on my own plus new information. I will be utilizing Mikes services to help me reach my goals.

    -Lisa E

  2. I began playing around with paleo eating in January 2010. I listened to Robb Wolf’s podcast (I think I was one of the “original 6” listeners, haha) and read a bunch of blogs. The experience was exciting, especially when I lost 8lbs right off the bat. There were some really tough times too: I questioned why I was doing this and whether or not it was sustainable and realistic; I questioned the science behind it (is eating this much fat really good for me?); and then there was the social pressure I felt from my friends… But I just kept going back to how much better I felt eating this way. Since January 2011 I have focused more on workouts, “tinkered” with my diet a lot, and made huge improvements. Mike’s Anti-Inflammatory Diet & Lifestyle seminar could not have come at a better time. I wish I could have been there in person, but I feel lucky to have been there at all. It was so nice to have my beliefs reinforced by someone with such impressive credentials. His points reaffirmed what I have heard, read, and tested out on myself. As a public health professional (specialized in obesity prevention nonetheless) I find myself in a tough spot. After graduation, my greatest challenge will be to figure out how to meld my lifestyle and beliefs (not the norm), with my career in a field that preaches the good word of the politically- driven USDA and tries to work with a food system that clearly is not working for this country. Where will I find my niche? I guess I don’t have to know that right now... In sum, it was great to hear Mike’s presentation in the company of a like-minded group. The choices and investments we make now will pay off in the end. To all those taking on the Paleo Challenge – I wish you the best. I am participating from afar! I can’t wait to be back at The Fort with you this summer.
