Blur The Line

Blur The Line

Thursday, February 24, 2011

No Pain Face


A couple thoughts....

1. Can you put both arms straight overhead without leaning back like the tower of Pisa?
2. Can you lie back and bring your leg to 90 degrees? Bend that same leg and bring it to your chest?
3. Can you move, in general, without pain?
4. How many minutes/hours have you been sitting down today? Yesterday? This week? Sitting equals tight hip flexors, pancaked glute muscles and short hamstrings. Get moving!

If No, to any of these questions, go to and work on your business. A simple lacrosse ball does the trick!

If Yes, you're a flexible ninja.

The lack of mobility seriously impedes athletic development. Being able to move well without pain improves quality of life too. 

PS-Get ready for the Paleo Challenge. 30 days to become better and more streamlined moms, parents, athletes. Details to come.

1 comment:

  1. And even if you are a flexible ninja, go to mobility wod and work on your business! So excited for the paleo challenge.
