Blur The Line

Blur The Line

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

What's up everybody!?

I had a great, busy weekend. I visited Kevin O'Malley's Vagabond CrossFit to hear Dr. Mike Molloy speak the truth. His talk was called "The Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Lifestyle Seminar" and it was awesome! I do a lot of reading and research, but I learned a ton.  The importance of sleep, omega 6 to omega 3 ratios, how I can perform better in the gym and so much more.  The most important part of the seminar that I took away was Mike talking about how "there is just TOO MUCH inflammation in society." Inflammation is the root of all evil. Do yourself a favor and Google "gluten," "cortisol," and "hyperinsulinemia." Do your research and start making some changes!  Mike will definitely be making an appearance at The Fort in the future.

The VB dudes were here on Thursday learning the importance of core strength and the explosive speed and power that a snatch develops. Nice work fellas!

Joe and the dreaded plate slide...

The guys during "Burp N Snatch"...

Another point I took away from Mike's seminar was him saying, "But, it's just YOUR life." If you feel like shit, are unhappy with how you look, sick of your job/gf/bf etc., don't get enough sleep, its time for a decision. Continue down the path of mediocrity and boredom or begin to live and feel great! "It's just your life."

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