Blur The Line

Blur The Line

Friday, February 4, 2011

Short Life, Long Reach

Lots of topics to discuss today...Sorry, it's been a busy week!

On February 4th, 2008, Nate Hardy, Chief Petty Officer, Navy SEAL was Killed In Action while involved in a firefight in Iraq. We are family friends with the Hardy's. Nate's death inspired me to want more out of life and to pursue my own dreams. Life is a long journey and I feel I am on this amazing path partly because of Nate's life.

Take 10 minutes and watch his brother Ben talk about Nate...

Of course, this week featured training, snow, good food and unfortunately a couple injuries.

The VB dudes had one WOD due to Snowmageddon II. The deck is around 4' tall...the snow banks are around 8'. Spring time....NOW!

It is truly amazing working with the young bucks; each time they come to The Fort they are better, stronger and faster.  "Blue Devil" was their longest and hardest WOD yet and they crushed it.

Since we train so hard trying to attain our goals, injuries will happen. Tweaks, strains, pulls, cuts are things we just have to deal with and learn from. Hopefully they don't happen on a frequent basis.  If we tweak or pull something, put ice on it. Baby it for 24 hours, rest it, continue ice.  See how it feels after a couple days and go from there!

Ask yourself, who or what inspires you? What do you want to accomplish, through training or in life?

1 comment:

  1. Great post and thank you for the link to the video Kyle.

    Nate and his family seem like truly special people. Please pass along a sincere thank you from me to his family for the sacrifice they have made, as a thank you from all the countless strangers that never get a chance to express our appreciation in person.

    Mike Molloy
