Blur The Line

Blur The Line

Thursday, February 10, 2011



Un  (un) scared (skârd)
The Art of dealing with fear.
v. unscared, unscar·ing, unscares To strike with no fear; no alarm.

Are you Scared or are you UnScared?

Be UnScared. If you are not getting the results you want or if you don’t perform, feel or look the way you want, search for the solution, and whatever you do, never give in to mediocrity."

-Brian MacKenzie, Founder, CrossFit Endurance

I love this quote. SO MANY people simply give in to the "mediocrity" and just settle. Ask questions, figure out what works, and get after it. 

Jen proves she is UnScared...

I've been scouring the World Wide Web for articles, information, videos, etc. on my quest to become a better, more knowledgable trainer.  I watch, listen, read and then put all of the good stuff to use in the Fort.  I am the guinea pig. Some of my favorite sites these days are....

Great articles, videos about training

Does your back, knees, shoulders, hips hurt? Watch the MWODs and work out your issues. But remember, no pain face.

Lisa and Deb work out their business...

More of a bodybuilding themed site, but unreal information regardless.

Just great, useful information that truly works.

LOVE this ad about, do you have any?

Matt Scott Warhawk 'No Excuses'

Post thoughts, questions to comments


  1. Not sure I am ever going to be unscared of that rowing machine.

  2. Haha leave your name when posting!

    Another part of that definition is the willingness to take yourself out of your comfort zones. You do that each and every time you step into The Fort! Hell yeah!

  3. I did sign in but that is what it came up as
