Blur The Line

Blur The Line

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Hey everyone, it's been a busy busy week!

1. I made a Facebook group for The Fort. Most of you are probably members, but if not, friend me or search "Fort Gym." It is a place where anyone can post thoughts, comments, recipes and discuss how sore we all are.

2. Nutrition and Lifestyle Seminar by Dr. Mike Molloy is Sunday April 3rd! You will learn how to be a better athlete, feel better and look better in a bathing suit. Sign up NOW!

3. I have been traveling to CrossFit New England quite a bit lately to learn and WOD with some absolute monsters.  "Game Day 5" was an absolute burner. Felt like Fran but with rowing.  Woof!

CFNE held a one hour talk about Mobility and the importance of proper movement.  Realize that the area that suffers is the area that you steal movement from.  For example, you are sitting at your computer right now reading this and your butt and hamstrings and hip flexors are getting jammed up from sitting. Your upper back is probably rounded forward. So, your poor lower back takes the blame for tight shoulders and mashed hamstrings. Rough deal.

So on that is Anthony and Jen doing some foam rolling and trying not to cry! Nice work guys! They both have been working their asses off, and it really shows!

4. Paleo 80% of the time and hard work in The Fort goes a long way. Pounds lost, more weight moved, going shopping for clothes that fit, the ability to do push-ups are all goals we're working on.  Realize that we are a FAMILY all pursuing similar goals relentlessly. Act like it! Cheer on your teammates and celebrate their successes and failures, because both will happen. Guar-an-teed!

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