Blur The Line

Blur The Line

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


The Fort is evolving.

We're all growing up a little bit. Becoming stronger, better, healthier and faster. But, we always need to be craving more...

Why am I writing this? Because on Sunday, April 3rd, Dr. Mike Molloy is coming to The Fort to give us all a boat load of knowledge about how to be EVEN better, faster, stronger and healthier.

Mike knows his stuff....he is a great dude and an accomplished CrossFitter.

So, sign up ASAP! More details to come. I am thinking a Paleo Potluck for lunch that day.

Later, kids!


  1. Paleo Potluck sounds great. I can make the Rice-less shushi. Great finger food. Turkey meatloaf but make them in muffin tins so they will be individual serving size. Real cute.

  2. Hell yes that sounds delicious! So cute, too.
