Blur The Line

Blur The Line

Friday, January 28, 2011

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

It's Friday!? Already?! 2011 is already 1 month over. That is amazing. Are you starting the year off right or what?  Anyways, nothing too specific tonight. Just know that it has been a great week. Lots of progress in the right directions. Here are a few pictures.

AMAZING new plyo boxes are here and will be multiplying. Get ready to jump onto, squat to and sweat because of...
Here is a great demo of a box jump, courtesy of Blanco. Hips open on the 30" box. Allen is one of the best CF athletes in the East...Levitation, bro!!

VB Dudes came, saw and conquered a couple WODs this week. Conor lost his shoes mid-burpee...

Think about your weaknesses...mine are mobility/flexibilty, strength and "Fran"-like WODs. What are you doing to actively work on them? Let's talk! Enjoy your weekend! 


  1. You mean "Times fun when your having flies"~~~~Kermit the frog. The Fort maybe be small but it produces big quality and is vastly improving my quality of life. I have never looked forward to going to the gym before but now even though there is going to be grunting and sweating involved......get your mind out of the gutter......I am motivated to go to The Fort. I am excited to introduce a friend to The Fort and hope she becomes as passionate as I.

  2. Lisa, thank you for the kind words! The atmosphere and community is the most important part of The Fort. You and all the other athletes are the driving force behind it.

  3. I really miss The Fort and all the people who hang out there! Doin' my best to kill it out here in Oregon though (and have fun too!). I can't wait to be back with you all. Hopefully these last few months will fly by! Keep up the awesome work :-)

  4. I'm glad to have met you and joined the Fort... looking forward to getting into shape, and looks like I found a great coach/trainer to help me achieve my goals. Thanks, Kyle. Looking forward to next week's workouts!

  5. Josee, I feel the same way! I want to guide you along your journey of fitness and health. Call, text, email anytime. I'm here to help!

    Active rest this weekend. Get ready for Tuesday!
