Blur The Line

Blur The Line

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


*Please use for WODs, information and links from now on.
*I will keep this site probably as an online journal about my experiences in CrossFit, business and WODs.

Gym-Nasty III

"Gym-Nasty III"


10 Box Jumps(24/20)
15 Pushups
20 Situps

Post Rounds to Comments

Hard work

Monday, July 18, 2011

Clean & Jerk 5x3

1. Clean & Jerk 5x3
2. Tabata Thrusters & Tabata SDHP (75/55)

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Friday, July 15, 2011


**No 7PM Class Tonight**


Five Rounds for Time of:
400m Run
5 Ground to Shoulder (Atlas Stones)
10 Pullups

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Team Duck

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wheels Fall Off

**The Fort CrossFit is an official CrossFit affiliate now!!!**
-We will be switching to a more professional website designed by Matt in the next week or so.
-Like "The Fort CrossFit" on Facebook.
-Thank you for all the support! Bigger and better things to come in the future! Please spread the word!

"Wheels Fall Off"

For Time Complete:
125 Double Unders
100 Abmat Situps
75 Pushups
50 Push Press (75/55)
25 Tire Flips

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011


**Friday, July 15th, NO 7PM Class**


For Time
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (45#)
30 Pullups

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Have you tried an Atlas Stone yet?...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Claim Jumper

"Claim Jumper"


10 Box Jumps (24/20)
20 Walking Lunges

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Old School

Monday, July 11, 2011

Deadlift 1RM

1. Deadlift 1RM
2. CFNE Beast of the East WOD 2
    For Time:
    500m Row
    400m Run

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Today is a good day to PR.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Stiff Upper Lip

"Stiff Upper Lip"

For Time:

21-15-9 Reps of

Overhead Squats(95/65)
Pull Ups

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A Man and His Rock

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Clean and Jerk Ladder

"Clean and Jerk Ladder"

1 Clean and Jerk the 1st Minute....
2 Clean and Jerks the 2nd Minute....
Climb as high as possible.

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The Fort gets after "Cindy"

Tuesday, July 5, 2011



Complete 10,9,8.....3,2,1 Reps for Time of:
Handstand Push Ups
Pull Ups

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Results earned through effort.

Deadlift and Heavy Tabata

1. Deadlift 3x3 @ 90% 1RM
2. Tabata Air Squats and Tabata Situps(45/25)

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Are taking care of yourself by doing mobility work?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Bear Complex

"Bear Complex"

Complete 7 Repetitions of the Following Sequence:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press

This equals 1 Round.

Complete 5 Rounds for Max Load.
Rest as needed between rounds.
Cannot rest the bar on the ground.

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Here is a video demo...

Weekend Hours:
Friday July 1st-9,10am and 5,6pm
Sat, Sun, Mon-Closed. Enjoy the 4th!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ice Road Trucker

"Ice Road Trucker"

5 Rounds for Time of:

200m Run
10 Pull Ups
20 Box Jumps(24/20)

Jameson setting the bar high at 47.5''

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cannon Fodder

"Cannon Fodder"


5 Handstand Pushups
10 Kettlebell Swings 53/36
20 Double Unders

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Rob 445# Deadlift

Monday, June 27, 2011

5x5 Deadlift and 1 Mile Run Time Trial

1. 5x5 Deadlift @ 60% 1RM
2. 1 Mile Run For Time

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Remember where we came from! 

Friday, June 24, 2011




5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats

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Anthony with a big jump

Thursday, June 23, 2011

1 Rep Max Power Clean and Keri's Bday Bash

1. Establish 1 RM Power Clean

2. "Keri's Bday Bash"

For Time Complete:

800m Run
50 Pushups
60 Situps
70 Ball Slams

Jameson, Matt, Katie and Me-Shell throw down

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Blast Off

"Blast Off"

5 Rounds for Time of:

15 Push Press (95/65)
15 Box Jumps (24/20")

Post Scores to Comments

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fists Of Fury

I am going to start posting the WODs here and to facebook. Also, I will be putting up a few pictures. Enjoy!

Fists of Fury

For time, complete:
30-20-10 reps each of

Kettlebell Swings (53,36)

*A Toes-2-Bar is just what it sounds like. You grab a pull-up bar and tap your toes on the bar. Some worthy substitutions would be abmat situps, knees-2-elbows or GHD situps.

Me-Shell showing a great pull underneath the bar!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Vacation time!

I am headed to Oregon for the week. My family and I will be celebrating Ashmo's graduation from OSU with her Master's degree in public health. Pretty badass, in my opinion! Nice work, sis!

The Fort will open back up next Thursday AM. June will be a month of heavy deadlifts, lots of benchmark WODs and no air conditioning.

I will be posting simple WODs to do in our group page on Facebook. Otherwise, practice things you suck at. Also, check out and don't let your pain face show.

Spread the word about what we're doing! The more the merrier!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Visual Update

Getting closer to becoming official! Here are some pictures!

View from the Outside, In on a beautiful night...

 Good to have you at The Fort, Matt!

Mike crushing kettlebell swings...

 The mural is a work in progress...

Jen, Anthony, Jameson and Erika post WOD...

Tina, after a month of 100% Paleo, is a legit Ninja. So proud of you!

 Love this is the absolute truth.

Talk soon everyone.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Weekend Update

Real big THANGS going on this past weekend.

Dave B turned his gorgeous vehicle into a illegal street racer low rider all to bring up 700 POUNDS WORTH OF ATLAS STONES! I can't thank Shoreline CrossFit enough. This is an amazing community to be a part of!

CrossFit HQ also approved The Fort for affiliation! I am working the business aspect of all this as well, so we will be an affiliate soon enough!

Finally, the pullup structure, bumpers and bars will be coming in today!

Here are a couple pictures from the weekend that was!

Dave's low rider...

Dave doing Death by Overhead are those legs bro!?

Anthony and Jacqui getting after deadlifts and double unders...

Ladies dominating Death by 10 meters...

My dad has been a HUGE help building, painting, being an overall badass with this whole process! Thanks for all the help dad!

Talk soon, people!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I've been super busy working on the new gym, training clients and squeezing some WODs in. The CrossFit Open was excellent. I had a blast doing the 6 WODs at CrossFit New England. I am excited for the future because I know what I need to work on!

How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? Are you sleeping 8+ hours a night? Getting good food, adequate water in? How are your stress levels?

Today is May 1st. Every month let's each pick a couple goals to work on. Post goals to comments and to the Goal Board in the gym. They can be athletic (a specific movement or weight) or life based (get more sleep, limit stress, etc).

Here are some pictures of the progress...

Everything is coming along nicely! Thanks for the support! Come check it out anytime! Move in day will be soon.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"Fake Life" Good News!

What's up everyone?

I rented a 1500sq ft. space in Hampstead, NH! The Fort will be moving soon, but there is much work to be done first. Here are some pictures of the new arena. It even comes with a loft!

Check out some WOD ninjas taking on "Melissa's Request"...

I am spending a lot of time at the new space. If anyone wants to come by feel free. It's going to be epic!

Friday, April 15, 2011


When life tosses trying situations my way, I am grateful to have my C2, bumper plates, barbells and a community of people ready to do work. Lifting, rowing, training and sweating has made me stronger not only physically, but mentally. I know I can get through "life," no matter how hard it is. I can do it. We all can, together.

Here are some epic pictures from the last week or so!

My typical breakfast...

Jen looking solid doing bear crawls...

Jim and Mike back in action. Jim, congrats buddy! Do work!

Will the Prowler Sled replace the C2 as most feared machine? Only time will tell...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Review of The Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Lifestyle Seminar

I was so excited to sign Dr. Mike Molloy up for a seminar at The Fort. I knew people would gain knowledge and know-how by attending his presentation. I had seen him speak at Vagabond CrossFit and was very impressed. I read lots of books, do my research and have learned a lot on my own. However, Dr. Molloy taught me many new things; specifically how to train certain types of people and how those people should eat. Also, he did not force his knowledge on anyone. He merely made suggestions and opened the door to us all, because he knows it works.

I have been doing CrossFit for about 2 years and eating Paleo for about 8 months. I met Mike early in my CF career and have been looking up to him as a mentor ever since. He knows his stuff! Everytime a personal issue (tight and grody hips, shoulders, Paleo information, inflammation) has come up, Mike has given me an answer that works!

I made getting him to The Fort a priority. I wanted my people to hear what he had to say. He explained why we are so fat due to the chronic over consumption of carbohydrate and how that destroys our hormones communicating with each other.

Mike went over how fat became the villain over the years and how wrong this is. We need Omega 6 and 3 to flourish; however we need it in the correct ratios.

I giggle everytime I read the title "Damn Dirty Grains (and legumes and dairy)".  The title is funny, but it is very true. Mike went in depth explaining why grains are so detrimental to health because of the pro-inflammatory properties. One of the biggest points Mike made to me and my clients was inflammation. There is just too much inflammation because of grains, lack of sleep and too much stress.

Dr. Molloy did a great job explaining why this lifestyle works, but he did a better job of making it clear how to make it work. He went over establishing what one's goals are, then how to use this lifestyle to reach those goals.  Mike made examples of certain people; the mom who wants to look better naked or the young dude who wants to win the CrossFit games.

My clients who attended the seminar were all extremely impressed. They had their questions answered and learned a lot. I had people come from all over New England for Mike's talk. It was absolutely worth giving up a Sunday to hear him speak and I would do it again in a second!

Members of The Fort, please post your thoughts about Mike's seminar to comments please!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Sunday was a phenomenal day! I was just sitting in the back grinning, surrounded by a community of fit, confident people. People who were willing to give up their only day off, a day with their family, just to learn how to be better. I was truly speechless.

Since Christmas, The Fort has evolved into something special. It is filled with effort, sweat, courage and potential.  It takes big cajones to try something new and embrace it, as many of you have.  It takes mental strength to face your fears (burpees, box jumps, rowing, hang cleans) and laugh and sweat on them.  This ability will make life outside The Fort much more manageable.  That crusty boss at work isn't as bad as 50 burpees for time, that dbag customer can never make you feel as wasted as a 1,000m row for time.

I would like to thank everyone who showed up, especially those who drove from afar to attend the seminar! I am so happy you learned a lot!

I would also like to thank Mike for putting on a great presentation. You are the man!

Keep up the great work everyone!

PS-Day 1 of the Paleo Challenge is nearly complete! You should be sleeping!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

One Week!

One week from today Dr. Mike Molloy will be at The Fort talking about the Paleo lifestyle. Here is a small portion of what Mike will be talking about...Please read!

I would like to do a Paleo Potluck lunch. Please bring a Paleo dish of your choice. Meat, veggies, fruit, nuts. Get creative! Have some fun cooking!

At the conclusion of Mike's talk I will be passing out and explaining the guidelines for our 30 day Paleo Challenge beginning on Monday, April 4th.

Also, it would be fun to do a WOD after the talk as well.

Here are a few pictures of the past week!