Blur The Line

Blur The Line

Friday, January 28, 2011

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

It's Friday!? Already?! 2011 is already 1 month over. That is amazing. Are you starting the year off right or what?  Anyways, nothing too specific tonight. Just know that it has been a great week. Lots of progress in the right directions. Here are a few pictures.

AMAZING new plyo boxes are here and will be multiplying. Get ready to jump onto, squat to and sweat because of...
Here is a great demo of a box jump, courtesy of Blanco. Hips open on the 30" box. Allen is one of the best CF athletes in the East...Levitation, bro!!

VB Dudes came, saw and conquered a couple WODs this week. Conor lost his shoes mid-burpee...

Think about your weaknesses...mine are mobility/flexibilty, strength and "Fran"-like WODs. What are you doing to actively work on them? Let's talk! Enjoy your weekend! 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Burpees, you?!

Monday featured Mama Roche, Lisa, Erika and Team Duck.  There were Deadlifts. There were Burpees. Things got weird, but everyone improved their fitness.

Nice work everyone! Also, great post WOD talk about Paleo and fish oil while working on mobility. It's great to discuss and debate important things!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Eatin' Time!

How well does your car run without gasoline? Anti-freeze? Oil? Brake line fluid? What happens when you put diesel fuel into an engine that does not run on that type of fuel?

Obviously, your car wouldn't burst into a million fiery pieces, but it would sputter, pop, overheat and stop working. 

I use that analogy because it works well in relation to the human body.  What we put into our bodies has a direct effect on how we feel, act and look.  I eat Paleo the majority of the time.  This means meats, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, oils. Since I removed all grains, dairy and a lot of alcohol from my diet, I feel great.  I am stronger, healthier, faster than I have ever been. I never get sick with colds, flu, migraines, stomach aches, etc.  I sleep great every night.

I avoid bread, pasta, pancakes, waffles, bagels, etc. because of what I have read and learned.  Take 5 minutes and Google "gluten," "hyperinsulinemia," and "cancer." Think about when heart disease, alzheimer's, cancer and obesity started.  Was it before, after or during the agricultural revolution? What about dairy? Do humans even need it?

I highly recommend reading The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson and The Paleolithic Solution by Robb Wolf.  Both great reads about eating and training Paleo. Our cavemen ancestors lived pretty sweet lives.  They hunted and  gathered food, relaxed with family, walked around, built things, fought or ran for their lives occassionally and slept well. And, they looked like this(maybe a litte hairier)...

Their stress levels were relatively low besides "fight or flight" events.  They died young because of injuries, disasters and they were lower on the food chain. Not because of obesity, heart disease, cancer, etc.

So, do your homework and lets talk! Enjoy your Sunday!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


It is my honor to begin training the Timberlane Men's Volleyball team. Their goals are clear; to win a state championship in the spring.  They want to become a closer, more unified unit.  There is no better way than to sweat, struggle and push limits with brothers.  They all hammered "No Joke I" which was 10 minutes of burpees and air squats. Treat every WOD like its Game 5.  Great first day, fellas. Stay hydrated, stay moving and get a lacrosse ball! Remember, Salem will not outwork you.

"Team Duck" is back from Vegas so they will be back in action tomorrow! Looking forward to it!
Ma is in MD for a few days with family. Do air squats, Mom!

Troy has been looking solid. Putting up good numbers in WODs and strength. Here is some proof!

My training has been going well. Staying fresh, hitting some brutal WODs, setting PRs. Finally joined the big boy club with a 265# front squat. I have to thank DP at Shoreline CrossFit for turning me onto Louie Simmons and his genius. Doing multiple Mobility WODs, trying to solve issues from the past! My flexibility is no longer that of the Tin Man.

See you all tomorrow, enjoy the snow!

Monday, January 17, 2011


In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., let's talk about dreams, goals and life.

I have many dreams that I plan on making into realities.  This is what drives me in life.  I know 2011 will be a big year for myself and my goals.

If you frequent The Fort, we talk about this often. Goal setting is huge in life. Big ones, small ones and the steps we take to check them off the list. What are your dreams and goals? What do you want to get out of life, specifically at The Fort? I am all ears!

The morning started off with a bang! Ma pulled some nice deadlifts because "strong people are harder to kill." -Coach Rip. Or she just wants to make lugging grocery bags easier. 5 sets of 3 reps, topping out at 135. All about building a foundation and establishing form.

She followed the deadlifts up with a nice 1000m time trial on the C2. Time was 5:08. Nice work!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Go Hard

It was a big week at The Fort. Saw some EPIC improvements in performance.  When the grrrl cousins got together to get awkward over Christmas, there was a 3 min AMRAP of burpees. Jen got 31 and Shauna got 17.  Friday night saw them both annihilate those scores; with Jen hitting 30 in 2:21 and Shauna 20 in 1:42! Hellll yeah!

Lisa continues to crush WODs and is getting stronger. Approaching Ninja status...

Anthony has been making huge gains as well.  Keep up the great work bro! For now, enjoy Vegas!

Things we discussed on Friday included recovery, maintenance, nutrition and performance. Eat paleo, take fish oil, sleep well, limit stress, ice sore muscles and joints and worship at the feet of KStar and you will become a Ninja!

The Paleo Diet
Fish Oil
KStar's Mobility WODs

Busy week ahead! New WODs. New Faces. See you guys tomorrow!

Monday, January 10, 2011


What's up everybody?!

Start of a new week! Time to start rockin' and rollin'. Here we go...

I believe the more support one has, the better off one will be. Great family and friends will get a person out of a slump and help through the tough times.  They will tell the truth and give a boost when needed. I would be nothing without the support I receive from family and friends.

Sam put up the pictures of the "Cool Cousins Get Awkward Part II" WOD that we did over the holidays. I'd like to thank my cousins, Jen, Sam, Shauna and Kayla for the shirts! And my big lil' sis Smash! Unreal work girls and my shirt hangs proud.


The Fort was a blast tonight! Folks learning new movements, working their hardest with the mobility and just gettin' weird.  Thrusters, Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, and the dreaded LAX BALL will do that to anyone!

Jen, rockin' her "Vegas" outfit...

Great work everyone! Talk soon.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Earn Your Weekend!

Such an epic few days. New gear. New faces. New sweat angels.

Slam Balls, Kettlebells and fresh bumper plates. Cheers to Again Faster!

Madre started her day off right with a great effort in "Body Movin''. Nice work, madre!

Anthony busted through "The Journey" at high noon. Way to crush it, homeboy!

Finally, the ladies teamed up and got down with "Sibling Rivalry." A 4 person team WOD that featured rowing, bodyweight movements, and the now DESPISED slam balls. Also, a "Mobility WOD Extravaganza" took place afterwards. It's always fun to see the discomfort a tiny lacrosse ball can cause! But, a few moments of pain are worth the results! Great work, grrrrrrls.

Jen trying to break the slam ball....

Enjoy the weekend and have fun shoveling!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Case of the Mondays

It's Monday! It's 2011! Time to get weird! Had a busy and epic day....

First, Madre started the day off bright and early, hammering a Burpee and Air Squat AMRAP(Ugh). Great work, Mom!

Troy came from the West and buried the '08 Games Burpee/Deadlift WOD in a silly time of 3:20. Nice work, homeboy!

Jen and Anthony had their first "couples" session and it was epic. Jen trying to break the box with her posterior, Anthony realizing that Burpees are the worst thing to ever be invented, and sweat angels everywhere. Awesome session Team Duck!

Finally, happy to say I PR'd my Deadlift and 500m Row tonight. Then proceeded to roll around on the ground after the last pull. This is what I felt like...

Much more to come! Thanks for reading! 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Blur The Line

First, check out this EXCELLENT article speaking the truth about excessive carbohydrates!

"Fat is not the problem," says Dr. Walter Willett, chairman of the department of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health. "If Americans could eliminate sugary beverages, potatoes, white bread, pasta, white rice and sugary snacks, we would wipe out almost all the problems we have with weight and diabetes and other metabolic diseases."

Second, I've gotten a lot of questions about what "Blur The Line" means. If you Googled the phrase or looked it up on Wikipedia, you may have found some sketchy answers. We're not that type of gym. My goal at The Fort is to take the most effective training methods, combine them into one program, and produce fit, strong, healthy and knowledgeable people.

30 boring minutes on the elliptical machine are replaced by a fast, intense circuit of running, weightlifting and gymnastics.  As a CrossFit trainer, I believe workouts like this are the way to improve quality of life.  Whatever your goals are, The Fort can help.

Nutrition is the key to leading a healthy life. What you use to fuel your body plays a huge role in how you feel, sleep, look and act. A person will try a million different workout programs, but they refuse to eat differently. Check out or Google "The Paleo Diet" and give it a shot!

The Fort is a community based gym. Members sweat, swear and laugh together. They become closer because what they are doing and accomplishing on a weekly basis is more than most people accomplish in a year at a "Globo Gym." It is a great feeling as a trainer knowing that I am helping people become better.

There is a certain lifestyle that comes with this type of training. The numerous abbreviations and names of movements(WOD, Jerk, Snatch...). That burning feeling during a WOD. The "Yes! I am done!" post WOD feeling. The soreness 24-48 hours later. The ice on the muscles. Eating better. Sleeping better. Looking and feeling better. Knowing that progress is being made. Searching the internet for tips, clothing, WOD times. Less stress. After a 10 minute WOD that leaves one soaked in sweat, things are put in perspective.

My goal is to create the best atmosphere possible for the people that show up. Music is going, people are talking and laughing. Chalk is flying and weight is being moved. Good lifts are applauded. Missed lifts are critiqued and tried again. Everyone is watching and learning and participating.  This picture seems a bit different from any "Globo Gym."  

The Fort will continue to Blur The Line.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Holiday WODs!

During the holidays, I was pumped to have my sister Ashley home. She hit the Workouts of the Day(WOD) super hard and got weird. She'll be back in the early summer to continue her quest at elite fitness. Keep killin' it in OR, Smash!
Here she is working on her snatch, which is one of the Olympic Lifts.

The Fort also had the pleasure of some absolute champions. Eric, Jim, Mike, Troy, guys are welcome anytime!
 Eric and Ash, doing a gnarly box jump(thanks Troy!) and row WOD
 Jim, just gettin' real weird...
Mike handling the 500m row portion of a WOD that left our arms useless

Happy New Year!

Thanks for visiting The Fort!

The Fort is a place of true fitness and health. Utilizing gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing and other functional movements, I will design a program that is "optimally challenging" for you. So, whether you're a door-kickin' Navy SEAL, college student, or mom of three looking for something different that works, The Fort is for you.

My name is Kyle Rochefort and it is my goal to create a place that is welcoming to all no matter what your fitness level.  I want to help you reach your goals, whatever they may be. I am a CrossFit Level 1 Certified Trainer with specialty certifications in Olympic Lifting and Movement and Mobility.  

Contact me at for hours of operation, pricing, location or any questions you may have!