Blur The Line

Blur The Line

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Eatin' Time!

How well does your car run without gasoline? Anti-freeze? Oil? Brake line fluid? What happens when you put diesel fuel into an engine that does not run on that type of fuel?

Obviously, your car wouldn't burst into a million fiery pieces, but it would sputter, pop, overheat and stop working. 

I use that analogy because it works well in relation to the human body.  What we put into our bodies has a direct effect on how we feel, act and look.  I eat Paleo the majority of the time.  This means meats, veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, oils. Since I removed all grains, dairy and a lot of alcohol from my diet, I feel great.  I am stronger, healthier, faster than I have ever been. I never get sick with colds, flu, migraines, stomach aches, etc.  I sleep great every night.

I avoid bread, pasta, pancakes, waffles, bagels, etc. because of what I have read and learned.  Take 5 minutes and Google "gluten," "hyperinsulinemia," and "cancer." Think about when heart disease, alzheimer's, cancer and obesity started.  Was it before, after or during the agricultural revolution? What about dairy? Do humans even need it?

I highly recommend reading The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson and The Paleolithic Solution by Robb Wolf.  Both great reads about eating and training Paleo. Our cavemen ancestors lived pretty sweet lives.  They hunted and  gathered food, relaxed with family, walked around, built things, fought or ran for their lives occassionally and slept well. And, they looked like this(maybe a litte hairier)...

Their stress levels were relatively low besides "fight or flight" events.  They died young because of injuries, disasters and they were lower on the food chain. Not because of obesity, heart disease, cancer, etc.

So, do your homework and lets talk! Enjoy your Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. I found paleo easy to do. Once I committed to this after a few days I lost all cravings for bread and sweets and My blood sugars leveled out. I do have drinks on the weekends and I have not given up 1/2 and 1/2 in my coffee and the diet still works. I hate to call it a diet because it will be the way I eat from now on. My body is thanking me.
