Blur The Line

Blur The Line

Thursday, January 20, 2011


It is my honor to begin training the Timberlane Men's Volleyball team. Their goals are clear; to win a state championship in the spring.  They want to become a closer, more unified unit.  There is no better way than to sweat, struggle and push limits with brothers.  They all hammered "No Joke I" which was 10 minutes of burpees and air squats. Treat every WOD like its Game 5.  Great first day, fellas. Stay hydrated, stay moving and get a lacrosse ball! Remember, Salem will not outwork you.

"Team Duck" is back from Vegas so they will be back in action tomorrow! Looking forward to it!
Ma is in MD for a few days with family. Do air squats, Mom!

Troy has been looking solid. Putting up good numbers in WODs and strength. Here is some proof!

My training has been going well. Staying fresh, hitting some brutal WODs, setting PRs. Finally joined the big boy club with a 265# front squat. I have to thank DP at Shoreline CrossFit for turning me onto Louie Simmons and his genius. Doing multiple Mobility WODs, trying to solve issues from the past! My flexibility is no longer that of the Tin Man.

See you all tomorrow, enjoy the snow!

1 comment:

  1. Bamcis! Dude, always a pleasure crushing myself at The Fort. Thanks for all the help with understanding programming and such.

    PS I been had hundreds.
