Blur The Line

Blur The Line

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Go Hard

It was a big week at The Fort. Saw some EPIC improvements in performance.  When the grrrl cousins got together to get awkward over Christmas, there was a 3 min AMRAP of burpees. Jen got 31 and Shauna got 17.  Friday night saw them both annihilate those scores; with Jen hitting 30 in 2:21 and Shauna 20 in 1:42! Hellll yeah!

Lisa continues to crush WODs and is getting stronger. Approaching Ninja status...

Anthony has been making huge gains as well.  Keep up the great work bro! For now, enjoy Vegas!

Things we discussed on Friday included recovery, maintenance, nutrition and performance. Eat paleo, take fish oil, sleep well, limit stress, ice sore muscles and joints and worship at the feet of KStar and you will become a Ninja!

The Paleo Diet
Fish Oil
KStar's Mobility WODs

Busy week ahead! New WODs. New Faces. See you guys tomorrow!


  1. That was an awesome workout! I can't wait to til tomorrow!

  2. I don't feel like a ninja......, I feel like a lump of jelly.

  3. A quivering lump of jelly that is.
