Blur The Line

Blur The Line

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Blur The Line

First, check out this EXCELLENT article speaking the truth about excessive carbohydrates!

"Fat is not the problem," says Dr. Walter Willett, chairman of the department of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health. "If Americans could eliminate sugary beverages, potatoes, white bread, pasta, white rice and sugary snacks, we would wipe out almost all the problems we have with weight and diabetes and other metabolic diseases."

Second, I've gotten a lot of questions about what "Blur The Line" means. If you Googled the phrase or looked it up on Wikipedia, you may have found some sketchy answers. We're not that type of gym. My goal at The Fort is to take the most effective training methods, combine them into one program, and produce fit, strong, healthy and knowledgeable people.

30 boring minutes on the elliptical machine are replaced by a fast, intense circuit of running, weightlifting and gymnastics.  As a CrossFit trainer, I believe workouts like this are the way to improve quality of life.  Whatever your goals are, The Fort can help.

Nutrition is the key to leading a healthy life. What you use to fuel your body plays a huge role in how you feel, sleep, look and act. A person will try a million different workout programs, but they refuse to eat differently. Check out or Google "The Paleo Diet" and give it a shot!

The Fort is a community based gym. Members sweat, swear and laugh together. They become closer because what they are doing and accomplishing on a weekly basis is more than most people accomplish in a year at a "Globo Gym." It is a great feeling as a trainer knowing that I am helping people become better.

There is a certain lifestyle that comes with this type of training. The numerous abbreviations and names of movements(WOD, Jerk, Snatch...). That burning feeling during a WOD. The "Yes! I am done!" post WOD feeling. The soreness 24-48 hours later. The ice on the muscles. Eating better. Sleeping better. Looking and feeling better. Knowing that progress is being made. Searching the internet for tips, clothing, WOD times. Less stress. After a 10 minute WOD that leaves one soaked in sweat, things are put in perspective.

My goal is to create the best atmosphere possible for the people that show up. Music is going, people are talking and laughing. Chalk is flying and weight is being moved. Good lifts are applauded. Missed lifts are critiqued and tried again. Everyone is watching and learning and participating.  This picture seems a bit different from any "Globo Gym."  

The Fort will continue to Blur The Line.

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